Aliens (1986)
Movie poster for Aliens (1986) © Twentieth Century Fox, sourced from IMDb, used under fair use for review purposes.

Aliens (1986)

Quick Overview:

  • Ripley’s back – and so are the Aliens! This time our space heroine is accompanied by a group of tough talking space marines to investigate a colony that has gone silent…you know what that means!
  • I really enjoyed the first movie in this series (Alien – 1979), so of course I would check out the sequel!

2. The Good:

  • Everything seemed to work really well in this movie- from the acting to just the vibe in general. The actors really gave it their all and made me feel like they were actually in peril in space. The space marines are a group that have a lot of chemistry. I really enjoyed the bond that Ripley and Newt developed over the course of the movie. And of course, the special effects team that put together the “Alien” creature did a phenomenal job of creating something that was scary, unsettling, and downright monstrous.
  • Memorable Scenes – Hm…well let’s see, there’s a lot of scenes that are memorable about this movie, like Newt’s iconic “They mostly come at night…mostly”. You also can’t forget Ripley’s memorable line when fighting the Alien queen – “Get away from her, you *****!”

3. The Bad:

  • I don’t really know if there’s anything really “bad” about this movie! It’s iconic, the acting is great, and the story is tight. There are no dull moments or times when I’m left wondering how long the movie has left. Honestly, even if the special effects are from the 80’s, they’re well done and don’t really feel dated.
  • Some might feel like the movie was modeled a bit after the first one – mostly the “having to blow up the spaceship (or planet)” – but I really liked both situations, so I’m not really sure if that’s actually an issue. The countdown until the explosion made me feel tense.

4. The Verdict:

  • If you’re a casual or serious action, horror or sci-fi fan, you can’t miss this movie! It’s a classic and is a must watch for movie fans everywhere!

Rating: 5/5
Recommended For: Action, Horror, or Sci-Fi fans

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